Join the Beatnik's movement.
We are Beatniks, traditonal and upbeat. We are an Australian based company started in 2019 and we make high quality shoes using artisanal techniques. Our founder, who is originally from Mexico, wanted to bring something new to the shoe industry in Australia. Each pair of these shoes is totally unique, and are handmade by local Mexican artisans. These shoes are truly pieces of art, adding flare to any outfit you choose to pair them with!
All of our shoes are 100% genuine leather handmade by local artisans in Mexico. We believe that these are more than shoes, they’re art! Our artisans tan their own leather, hand weave it into beautiful patterns, and then use simple tools such as hammers, nails and scissors to add the finishing touches. Artisans spend up to two days on a single pair of shoes!
So why buy Beatniks? Every single pair of these shoes is paid by a fair trade agreement with the artisan. Also, our shoes are super comfortable, can go with nearly any outfit, and best of all, we offer free and easy returns! If you’re not happy, neither are we.